Thursday, November 10, 2011

093 Assessment: Presentation Reflection

We had a guest crit during our morning shift presentation, Don Albert, a visiting academic from South Africa.

At the end of my presentation, Don brought up the subject of "bio-mimicry" in relation to my conceptual design process, as I had early in the presentation talked about the leaves of a branch and petals of a flower to be the inspiration as to how I moved forward in my design development. "Bio-mimicry" was never something that came up during the last 7 to 8 weeks of my design process and I felt that it was an interesting perspective to look at my design.

I think if I could do things a little bit differently, I could look deeper into the anatomy of leaves and flowers so that I can incorporate it into my design. There are details within these flora, that Don mentioned, could be inspired into the integration of perhaps, my spatial planning design. Seriously, it's an exciting perspective actually.

Overall, I think I achieved my basic goal of having a presence that incorporates Australia's rich biodiversity - well, in terms of fresh produce food production - into my design. In retrospect, I felt that I could have added more fervour into the detailing of spaces - although I felt that it was unnecessary for this design presentation. I wanted to really bring out the possibility of using Australia's existing public transportation network because I felt that most of the time, these networks are under-utilised as the surrounding developments give no reason for the general public to use. I think this is something Australia's planning system, or a parliamentary function can and should look into further if they want to mobilise the citizens even more through a public network system. And with Australia's urgent attention to food, I think mobilising and utilising the existing rail network for example, is definitely a window of opportunity for these agricultural communities living and working on the farmlands on the urban fringes, and rural areas.

~ Hana

092 Assessment: Presentation Process

 During the slideshow presentation...

The summary board presentation...

~ Hana

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

091 Assessment: Project 2 Presentation Slide

This is the slideshow which was presented to Jane on Tuesday. It is 29 pages and I've uploaded through an external platform - Slideshare. If you can't see the presentation here, please try viewing it here -

~ Hana

090 Assessment: Project 2 Summary Poster

~ Hana

Saturday, November 05, 2011

089 Development: Presentation Ideas (Abandoned)

Initially, I had planned on showing a stage-by-stage levels of my building in 3D with the following images, because I think it's a simple way of showing some form of understanding. However, I have decided to do it in a different method... which means, for archiving and development purposes, these images will remain in this blog.

Ground Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Third Floor / Roof
~ Hana

088 Development: pre-Final Video Render

I did a TEST video render aka fly-through of the A.C.A.E., but I will not be presenting it during the presentation on Tuesday afternoon. This render will not compliment the theme of my presentation on Tuesday, but as this blog will be a major point of reference during the marking, if tutors and Yasu needs to see a 3D fly-through, this would be it.

~ Hana

087 Development: User Experience

I found some useful photos online, mostly on Flickr, that I will be using to express the relevance of user experience to my design, during the presentation tomorrow. All references for the images can be found on the final PDF/PPT, which will be up shortly on this blog.

~ Hana

086 Development: pre-Final Renders

I have done a few renders which has been photoshopped into a "desired" context but there are a few that will not be "making" itself into my presentation layouts on Tuesday. The following are just some of the MANY pre-Final TEST renders that I have for my architectural pavilion for A.C.A.E.

Front View aka Main Entrance Foyer

Angled View of Main Entrance Foyer

another Angled View of Main Entrance Foyer

Test Shot of West Elevation

Top View of Roof System of the Hydroponic Farm in the Sky
Test Interior Shot of the Hydroponic Farm 
Test Shot of the Roof Garden Level
~ Hana

085 Development: DRAFT A1 Panel

This is still a work in progress as I'm trying to combine the important aspects of my presentation into the required A1 Panel... I still can't quite get it right.

~ Hana

Thursday, November 03, 2011

084 Development: Presentation Strategy

I am progressing well into my presentation slides, simultaneously rendering and photoshopping to get an overall desired outcome - comic style, montage style - which is really a further advancement and development to the way Project 1 was presented. I also wanted to do a stage-by-stage presentation demonstrating my design from conception to outcome using a simplified first-person scenario. I am liking this method of presentation, because I believe it works and will work towards allowing my audience to attendance my design from 

Infrastructure Strategy & Logistics, to
Tectonic Resolution of Purpose & Function, Circulation & Accessibilit and Structural Integrity, to
finally the Poetic Resolution  of Presence & Identity demonstrating User Experience

all to achieve the goal of communicating an aesthetic rigor of

Detail to the Local Issue presented.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

083 Development: Roof Form

The development of the roof system has pretty much been an ongoing process since I first blogged about the draft in entry 063 and entry 064. It hasn't evolved much from the initial stage because I was pretty firm on the basic idea of the roof and I basically continued in trying to model it up using Sketchup. It wasn't an easy process using Sketchup but it wasn't that hard either.

Although, I must say that at the initial stage, during exploration... I did not actually rule out the possibility of trying to form a roof over my whole built form (image below). I think you can quite figure out how I eventually came up with my almost-final roof system.

On a sidenote, I wish I knew how to use Revit or Max or even Catia properly to be able to do a more "fluid-like" roofing system. But I might test it out further after the end of this unit at my own time.

~ H

082 Development: Materiality

Obviously by the time I tried a few more other materials, and colours, I have almost firmed up my form. Below is still not the final form yet as it's still a work in progress. Notice the slight changes made to the core and the roof-deck since the last few renders as I've blogged previously.

~ H

081 Week 13 Tutorial & Development: Materiality

Jane wanted to see the "materiality" of my final form coming together and I've endeavored to try blog about it in this entry, as well as the next.

After having gone through a mildly failed attempt at context exploration in entry 068 Development: Context Exploration (failed because the conceptual materiality of the then built form didn't "blend" into the proposed context), I reminded myself again of some of the exemplars that were helping me with the type of materials that my built form should endeavor towards... which will be the Australian Centre of Contemporary Art (below left) and the Registry Office of St Vicente by Duarte Caldeira (below right).

Then I recalled once again the dry textures of Australia during the roadtrip Lara, Alice & myself did a few weeks ago as part of our site research for this design unit (image below).

So I came up with a quick test of materials on my built form.

It's not quite working yet, but I've got a few more render tests to upload.

~ H

080 Development: Spatial Program

I defined the spaces sectionally, level-by-level, after sketching and cadding it out on plan last week as to which spaces will be accommodated, and at which level.

~ H

079 Development: Recap of Form Development

These renders have been blogged about (separately) previously, but I think putting it together helps me understand as to how and why my final form eventually turn out the way it is looking right now.

~ H

078 Development: Mobilising my Thoughts

The last tutorial of my architectural bachelor was bittersweet. I found myself realising that my best works tend to be from the design studios which are not strictly themed nor set-in-stone sort of brief, and it's always been Yasu's studios. Not saying the other design studios are not up to par. Just a personal preference and realisation after looking through my past 5 semester of design studios.

Why do I say this?

I am 70% on completion of my design panels and the design itself, and I suddenly found myself in an awkward position of not being able to connect with it emotionally. Perhaps I should have Jane and Yasu know that I'm in the middle of packing my life in Brisbane away (literally) while trying to finish up the semester - I will be flying out of Brisbane 4 days after the presentation on 12 November 2011. So I'm not sure if my awkward sense of feelings towards my design is because I'm nervous about leaving Brisbane, or actually presenting my final work.

Then I found this video Claire put up on her blog, which was actually the quote that Yasu had flashed in our first and last lecture of the semester. It will be one of my take-away from this design unit, as well as one that will inspire me to finish up the last few days with a little bit more rigour and, by the time I am ready to present next Tuesday, (hopefully) I will feel more "connected" to my design. Don't get me wrong. I still have the passion and the commitment, and I do think my work is kinda-awesome (not amazing, but not a failure either. ok maybe moderate is the word) but I'm pretty sure there's some "magic" missing from my design that's conjuring this feeling of "disconnectedness". But I'll figure it out.

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

~ H