Friday, September 02, 2011

035 Research: Responding to an Innovative Solution

...improved delivery and coordination of social and human services are necessary to reduce social stress, but they cannot by themselves solve underlying problems of unequal access to the primary goods of housing, health, education and welfare. Structural change in the process of reaching decisions about the allocation of urban resources and space is necessary for this to be achieved. Improved citizen participation and community organization are not enough by themselves, but need to be linked with institutional reform that mandates local communities to influence decisions about their own areas. Such organizations have the potential to take on significant roles in the ladder of administration...
Phil Heywood, 1997

After this afternoon's presentation, proposing for an Education and Exhibition Mobile Center [link] to connect the parliament with the population particularly in isolated, rural regions and communities, I found this paragraph to be very relevant. I think it is an important element to keep in mind as the design progresses on this semester.

~ H

Heywood, Phil. 1997. "The emerging social metropolis : successful planning initiatives in five New World metropolitan regions." Progress in Planning 47 (3):159-250. Oxford : Pergamon Press.

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