Monday, August 29, 2011

027 Reading: "Architecture is a Device"

"...paradoxically encourage convergence rather than differentiation."

"originality and authenticity will be challenged and the role of architect questioned."

"...the role of architect into a service provide... in the increasing roles of corporate architectural offices..."

"architect should put itself in the middle of the public debate on space."

"...can architecture once again offer a perspective?"

"architects work not only on buildings but on regional planning as well..."

"it can potentially suggest societal directions by literally constructing thoughts."

"...keeps up with the tradition of passion, intrigue and surprise..."

"...architecture is now able to move into the development of "devices" that can combine top-down, large-scale issues with bottom-up individualized input: a combination of analyses with proposals."


The one thing that I can appreciate in the way Design 8 had started, is the overall perspective approach of architectural design. It seeks to provoke our train of thoughts to go beyond architectural solely for a "beautiful" design but one that is investigative. It creates this platform for me to venture out of the architectural "norm" and look at the "bigger scheme of things". This particular article that Yasu wanted us to read in Week 2 is very helpful (& somewhat relevant) as a "base" of our overall design approach.

~ H

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